Logo Coordinates
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The logos in this art-directed grid have been meticulously placed in certain cells.
We need a system to be able to place them in the same way. Almost like some sort of coordinate system.
Remember playing battleship as a kid?
We want that ability to define a specific grid cell by its column and row coordinates.
Grid lines
Turns out such coordinate system exists in CSS Grid βΒ those are called π grid lines!
Most developer tools (Firefox, Chrome) let you "turn on" those grid lines, which is super useful to visualise the grid coordinates.
In the screenshot above, the Tailwind CSS logo is positioned in the 2nd column (grid-line 2) and the 3rd row (grid-line 3).
Assigning coordinates to each logo
π¨βπΌ Annotate each logo with the column and row numbers it should be positioned in to match the Figma design at the
screen size.