Roll Reveal

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Time to animate the logo tiles. We wanna go a bit fancy here, to really wow the user as we reveal our art-directed logo grid.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Make the logo tiles "roll", scale-up and fade in over 0.4 seconds.

Keyframes definition

🐨 Add one more keyframes set in the Tailwind theme. This one should start with...
  • a rotation of 12 degrees
  • a scale of 0%
  • an opacity of 0%
...and end with:
  • a rotation of 0 degrees
  • a scale of 100%
  • an opacity of 100%

Custom timing function

🐨 Add a 'roll-reveal' animation to the Tailwind theme. It should use the 'roll-reveal' keyframes you just created, and animate once over 0.4 seconds.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Have some fun with the easing function. There is no right or wrong answer here (well, don't quote me on that when speaking to the designers).

Cubic-BΓ©zier curves

Instead of basic transition timing functions like linear or ease-in, uou can use the πŸ“œ cubic-bezier() CSS function to create bespoke πŸ“œ BΓ©zier curve easings for your animations.
πŸ’° It's very hard to "visualise" what the cubic-bezier() function does, but luckily for us, there are some great online tools to help. is a fantastic example!

Open Props FTW

Have you heard of Open Props by Adam Argyle? It's a fantastic collection of CSS variables for common design properties or "tokens" like colors, and spacing.
Turns out they have a bunch of easing functions as well β€”Β we could try one of those in our project!
πŸ§β€β™€οΈ I've added the 'open-props' npm package and imported a series of easing timing functions in the :
import easings from 'open-props/src/easing'
πŸ§β€β™€οΈ You can use one of these to fine-tune the "roll-reveal" animation!

Animating the logo tiles

🐨 Add the roll-reveal animation to the logo tiles.

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